Orders and Returns

Orders and Returns

  • Items shipped from ezyshop.connect@gmail.com, including Ezyshop Warehouse, can be returned within 24 hours of receipt of shipment in most cases. Some products have different policies or requirements associated with them.
  • Items can be replaced or refund in the form of the coupon only with a manufacturing defect and delivery damaged within 24 hours of receipt of delivery using the Online Returns Center. It can take up to 25 days for an item to reach us once you return it. Once the item is received at our center, it takes 2 business days for rectifying the problem.
  • If you want the replacement for the product then you have to pay for both side expenses of the courier or you can visit the nearest Warehouse/Office with your product and its invoice then only you can get the replacement if it comes in our replacement terms. If you return a defective, damaged or incorrect item, you’ll be refunded the one side postage cost in the form of coupons, once your return is processed.
  • Ezyshop does not take title to returned items. Any case of refund or cancellation is at the sole discretion of Ezyshop's. In case of refund, store credit or coupon code will be provided of the refund amount. Once the order process for dispatch, the cancellation will not be allowed.