Shipping & Delivery

Do you ship to my city and location?

You can check under the pincode selection tab at the time of placing the order.

Or you can email us at

What is the estimated delivery time?

Products are typically dispatched within a day of order confirmation.

All the products are transported and delivered using the Ezyshop’s shipping partner delivery network.

While we try to ensure that the product reaches you within the delivery time communicated, exigencies may delay the delivery. In such cases, please do not worry. Get in touch with us for the latest update on your shipment if we have already not gotten in touch with you.

For pre-orders, the estimated delivery time is 12 – 15 days starting from the day of shipping. The day of shipping is indicated on your product page at the time of order.

Are there any shipping charges or any additional hidden charges?

Shipments are not free of charge. Any additional charges / are to be paid are paid for by customer. When you enter a pin-code in the address field while ordering a product, the system will indicate whether we ship to your pin-code or not.

How do I track my order?

The best way to check your order status is to sign-in at We try our best to deliver your product before you can even think ‘Where is it now? i.e. well within 10 days of your order (or 10 days of the promised shipment date in the case of pre-orders). In a few cases however, we take closer to our promised 12 – 15 days for delivery. In such cases, we proactively call / email the customer to inform them of the status of their product and where it is in transit. In the rare case when you have not received any communication from us for 10 days after order (or 10 days after promised shipment date in the case of pre-orders) do email us at

What should I check when the product is delivered to me?

Please check on all external surfaces across the product for any breakages, cracks, chip-offs, unfinished patches, or borer / insect infestations

  • Once the product is delivered and our delivery team leaves your location, we will be able to only honour manufacturing defects and other fair usage breakages as outlined in the warranty policy.

What if I receive a damaged product?

We work with sellers who have highly specialized quality control measures that ensure the product is up to our standards when you receive the product. In case you receive a damaged product (damage as defined above), please bring it to the notice of the delivery personnel immediately. In case you notice an issue later, please write to us at

*Our team will assess the damage and get back to you within 2 business days. Depending on the degree of damage, we will either repair the product, or offer you a replacement.

Can I cancel the order?

We take great pride in all the designs we create and curate. In the rare case that you do not like the product, or are unable to make space for it, you may cancel the order. Please note, we will not be able to process cancellation requests after the order is delivered.

Is there a cancellation fee applicable?

Since all our furniture are made to order, we do not offer exchanges or cancellations. If you cannot accept delivery of your furniture, you will forfeit the advance order fee paid. Other than that, there is no cancellation fee for on the spot cancellations.


Once we have delivered the product and left the customer’s premises, we will not be able to accommodate any cancellation or replacement requests (other than as covered by the product warranty). We recommend that customers be present at the time of delivery to check for any possible manufacturing defects. Should there be any, please inform the Service Associate. Our delivery staff will assist you with any questions you may have.


1.  All orders placed post 5:00 pm shall be processed for dispatch within the next working day and delivered to you as per given timelines.

2. Any order placed/booked on late weekend i.e. on Saturday post 12:00 pm will be automatically processed for dispatch on Monday or on Next Working day evening. There is no courier service or pickups on Sunday or on any Government Holiday hence we have restricted dispatch timelines due to limited shelf life of our products.

3. Orders booked during any festival month might be delay in dispatch/delivery in comparison to its normal delivery timelines due to several reasons like shortage of stock, overloaded shipments for delivery.

4. Shipping Details while booking should be correct and any delay in delivery due to wrong details will be sole responsibility of customer only.

We do not have service available in most of the mountain region in northern India.


1. All product and shipping related concerns will be entertained within 24 hours of delivery only.

2. Pictures of concerned is must.

3. All email should marked to


1. CoD is available in selected cities and on selected products

2. CoD is applicable only on orders below Rs. 2500/-, in certain exceptional cases COD can be done on orders below Rs.2500/- also but it is subject to companies discretion.